

We are proud to announce the alpha release of Kaspa NG - the next-generation Kaspa desktop p2p node, wallet and BlockDAG visualizer. Kaspa NG is a culmination of over a year and a half of efforts by multiple development teams who have worked on different parts of this project and the underlying cutting-edge Rust frameworks.

Kaspa NG is the successor to KDX, a desktop node solution developed a number of years ago and extensively used within the Kaspa ecosystem. Kaspa NG is still a work in progress, but various parts of the software are stable and we are releasing it to the public for testing and feedback.

To learn more about Kaspa NG, please visit the Kaspa NG page.


We have updated our website. As a part of this update, we have created a new Discord server. Please join us on Discord if you have any questions or need help with our frameworks.


We have refactored our website using WAHOO.

We are updating our web site content, please stay tuned.


As a part of our R&D and continuing contribution to the cryptocurrency and the DLT/blockchain ecosystems, we have been hard at work, and throughout Q4-2022...Q1-2023, we will be releasing a number of new ecosystem-focused projects:

  • WORKFLOW-RS - WASM-focused application environment designed to allow development of native and web-applications in Rust. This framework is oriented toward security-concious developers as it allows a nearly pure-Rust Web Application development.
    While WORKFLOW RS is a general-purpose application development framework, it was built to be compatible with and allow for development of applications interfacing with Solana and other blockchains. WORKFLOW RS takes advantage of Rust client-side async execution environment, which is extremely capable.
    WORKFLOW RS offers variety of crates that among others include platform-neutral WebSocket Client, platform-neutral WebSocket-based binary and JSON RPC and a Rust-driven UX framework.
  • SOLANA KAIZEN - Solana Program development framework built on top of Solana Rust SDK designed to offer a hybrid program/client Rust environment where program accounts function the same way in-application as they do in-program, allowing the program and application to interface with Solana accounts using the same API.

Thank you to everyone who has contacted us requesting to run another Scaling Bitcoin event in 2022. Due to ongoing complexities in world-wide travel, Scaling Bitcoin events will remain suspended until 2023. At which point we will gather community feedback as to whether we should proceed and what format this academic event should be carried on forward.


As of January 1st 2022, we are switching all our in-house development explicitly to the Rust programming language and deprecating all our existing C++, JavaScript, TypeScript tools and frameworks.


In an effort to help R&D projects focusing on alternate blockchain implementations (specifically DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)-related research), we have been collaborating with DAGlabs on creation of a DAG-based PoW cryptocurrency blockchain and have contributed by creating a full-node desktop process runner application called KDX (Kaspa Desktop eXperience) available at ... as well as a Kaspa Web Wallet available at
You can find more information on Kaspa at CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap


ASPECTRON, in collaboration with Base58 Association, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, DAGlabs, Israeli Bitcoin Association, Bitcoin Embassy TLV, Chaincode Residency, Andromeda, DG Lab, Blockchain Core Camp (BC2), Bitcoin Edge Dev++ Planning Committee, launches Bitcoin Edge Dev++ 2019.


ASPECTRON, in collaboration with Base58 Association, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, DAGlabs, Israeli Bitcoin Association, Bitcoin Embassy TLV, Chaincode Residency, Andromeda, DG Lab, Blockchain Core Camp (BC2) and Scaling Bitcoin Planning Committee, launches Scaling Bitcoin 2019 "Yesod".


ASPECTRON, in collaboration with Base58 Association, Keio University, DG Lab, Scaling Bitcoin Planning Committee, launches Scaling Bitcoin 2018 "Kaizen".


ASPECTRON, in collaboration with Base58 Association, Keio University, DG Lab, Blockchain Core Camp (BC2), Bitcoin Edge Dev++ Planning Committee, launches Bitcoin Edge Dev++ 2018.


ASPECTRON, in collaboration with Base58 Association, Stanford University and Scaling Bitcoin Planning Committee, launches Scaling Bitcoin 2017 "Scaling the Edge".


ASPECTRON, in collaboration with Base58 Association, Stanford University, DG Lab and Scaling Bitcoin Planning Committee, launches Bitcoin Edge Initiative Dev++.


Scaling Bitcoin Organizing Committee issues a Call for Hosting.


CTO of ASPECTRON, Anton Yemelyanov talks about blockchain and infrastructure security at Blockchain Core Camp hosted at DG Lab, Tokyo Japan.


ASPECTRON completes alpha testing of the BitRouting cryptocurrency trading platform


ASPECTRON releases BitRouting Smart Order Routing (SOR) - Liquidity Aggregation platform.


ASPECTRON, in collaboration with Base58 Association, Politechnico di Milano, Blockchain Labs, and Scaling Bitcoin Organizing Committee, launches Scaling Bitcoin 2016 "Retarget".


ASPECTRON introduces Sia Cluster project for remote management and monitoring of multiple Sia network nodes.


ASPECTRON helps with the launch of Base58 Association - a Canadian non-profit organization to manage Scaling Bitcoin events and other Bitcoin & Blockchain related initiatives.


ASPECTRON, in collaboration with Cyberport Hong Kong and Scaling Bitcoin Organizing Committee launches Scaling Bitcoin - Phase II.


We are updating our web site and consolidating our projects under it. Please bear with us while we perform updates.


ASPECTRON is a proud sponsor and the organizer of the Scaling Bitcoin - Phase I conference, an academic and engineering conference focused on addressing Bitcoin scalability challenges. We would like to thank CryptoMechanics Inc., for their assistance in executing the event and the conference underwriters: Chaincode Labs, Chain, Blockstream and Digital Currency Initiative at the MIT Media Lab.


IRIS 1.3 (beta) released


ASPECTRON, in collaboration with Litecoin Association, launches - a Litecoin cryptocurrency service gateway hub.